Hobbies and interests

I love playing music, web development, math, science and digital art creation. However, lately I haven't had time for any of it, generally speaking. A lot of personal problems going on with family and stuff, but I hope to get more into this stuff again at some point.
I'm extremely passionate about the outdoors.

I hike every week. Usually 2 or 3 days a week. Then I bike (bicycle) about 3 to 4 times a week. I also enjoy camping, kayaking, caving, and just being in nature.

It really destresses me and makes me a better person.
I like reading, watching movies and TV shows, and playing video games. I also like to go on a walk, cook, gardening etc. I have interest in a lot of things. I like hiking and campaign as well but I don't get to do that too often.