Are you apolitical?


Well-known member
There are people who are of the school of thought that whatever that happens in politics doesn't concern them. They are cool with all and don't bother about whatever comes up in politics. Are you this type of person?
I definitely don't like politics. It brings out the worst in people and it solves nothing anyway. Well, it can be fun to debate and follow, but I've gotten out of it for reasons I said, among other ones.
Politics is a very dirty game in my country. This is why I don't like being involved in it for any reason whatsoever. There's no rule of law in my country and the government doesn't have any regard for the electorate.
Politics is a very dirty game in my country. This is why I don't like being involved in it for any reason whatsoever. There's no rule of law in my country and the government doesn't have any regard for the electorate.
Money often buys out candidates. In fact, for any nation, democracy doesn't seem like democracy, but then again, it takes money to run (like a business).
I believe I am because I rarely if ever involve myself with politics. If I ever vote, I usually just vote for whoever the rest of my family voted for. I have no political beliefs or much care for political-related stuff in general, so I'd say apolitical probably describes me well.
I suppose you can discuss politics from a distance. In other words, be sort of like a referee. Well, myself, as I said, I don't want to get caught up in the hate. I've seen what its done to relatives and others.
If politics & the politicians didn't play dirty & were actually truthful & for their country, many people would not be apolitical.
I believe we have to take the step back & do our own research who we think is the, literal, lesser of 2 evils for our country.
I will discuss politics on forums, but I try not to get too much into it and I try to avoid it on my forum.
I lean different ways on different issues but I do try to be as apolitical as possible.

I don't use mainstream media to get my news. Each company is bias and leans a certain way. That gives you opinionated news, sometimes false, and often more biased than factual content.

I rely on a lot of intelligence-related sources to get my current events. They often require you to be apolitical to be able to take what they're reporting and be factual about what you gain from it.

If you lean to an extreme, you'll believe anything of that extreme. I think that's a big problem with our world.
From a Christian standpoint, at least what I believe, all people are bad, so being caught up in politics is self-righteous. I mean, whether it's left or right wing (as in reference to the US, where I live), you see massive self-righteousness.