Inside Scoop on Dreams


Well-known member
Dreams are very complex. In fact, they say things so clearly, it seems like they are supernatural. Do you feel that they communicate something in the spiritual realm or is it just random things in your brain put together in a complex way?
Dreams are very complex. In fact, they say things so clearly, it seems like they are supernatural. Do you feel that they communicate something in the spiritual realm or is it just random things in your brain put together in a complex way?
I think it's subconsious. I've had some wild dreams though so hope it's not a bigger thing.
I can have some very off the wall, vivid dreams. I don’t read too much into them. Now sometimes I will have watched something or read something & that carried over into a dream as the mind can get quite creative. But as for heeding, I just take dreams with a grain of salt.
Head injury can lead to strange dreams. Who has had that experience? Well, recently I hit my hard quite hard on some low hanging block, so I then had very strange dreams about going to work at certain places and in one my late dad was driving, and I ended up at my late uncle's trailer. :D