Quitting Jobs with a Two-Week Notice


Well-known member
It's a good thing to do cause then you can get rehired. Nonetheless, though, just working a few months and then stopping can look bad on your resume. In fact, maybe employers are more conservative these days then you think.
I just quit a job not too long ago and made sure to put my two weeks in. My last day was last Tuesday, and I started my new job yesterday. It's always best to do this because you just never know when something will happen and if you lose your current job you're more likely to be rehired at your previous job.
I just quit a job not too long ago and made sure to put my two weeks in. My last day was last Tuesday, and I started my new job yesterday. It's always best to do this because you just never know when something will happen and if you lose your current job you're more likely to be rehired at your previous job.
Yeah, but it's not always the case of getting rehired at the old job, even with a good record, and what about those with mediocre or bad records?
I always try to do that unless I get an offer to immediately quit to go somewhere better, then I have no choice but to consider what's best for me.

Every job out there will always consider what's best for them at the end of the day.
Yeah, but it's not always the case of getting rehired at the old job, even with a good record, and what about those with mediocre or bad records?
You’ll more than likely get rehired at your old job if you give them your two week notice and don’t have any bad records.

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